一. 电动吊杆 / Motorized Winch Batten
吊杆:47 道,最大载荷 600 公斤
吊杆: 6 道,最大载荷 1000 公斤
Rigging system: 47 pipes, max load 600kg
Lighting Pipes: 6, max load 1000kg
侧吊杆: 2 道,最大载荷 600 公斤
侧灯排: 2 道,最大载荷 1000 公斤
主舞台单点吊机: 6 台,最大载荷 250 公斤
台 口 单 点 吊 机 : 6 台 ,最大载荷 250 公斤
Side Pipes: 2, max load 600kg
Side Lighting Pipes: 2, max load 1000kg
Main Stage Single-point Crane: 6, max load 250kg
Stage Open Single-point Crane: 6, max load 250kg
二. 舞台机械控制系统 / Stage machinery Control System
舞台机械电气控制采用先进的计算机及网络控制技术,具有噪音小、速度快(1.0 米 / 秒)、运行稳定、定位精准的特点。设有场景记忆、编程手动介入、操作记录、故障诊断、互联网远程操作等功能,可对吊杆、乐池、大幕开合进行编程控制,性能安全可靠。
Stage machinery control system is equipped with advanced computer and internet control technology,
which can effectively control the rigging system, orchestra pit, and main drape.
三. 升降乐池 / Orchestra Lift
乐池由一整块升降平台组成,面积约 90 平方米,行程 8.5 米,升降速度 0.001~0.1 米 / 秒,调速静荷载 400 公斤 / 平方米;动载荷 200 公斤 / 平方米。驱动方式采用柔性齿条,整套装置共有 4 组,采用固定齿轮与柔性齿条咬合上下运动,其特点是噪音小、运行稳定、定位精确。
The orchestra is made of one single lifting platform, an area of about 90 square meters and 8.5 meters
/deep. The lifting speed is from 0.001 to 0.1 m/s, static load 400 kg/square meter, dynamic load 200 kg/square meter.
四. 反声罩 / Acoustic Shell
新清华学堂配置美国 Wenger 反音罩,围合面积为210平方米,采用封闭的组合形式。顶板采用电动悬吊方式,后板和侧板采用可移动的单元拼接而成,前高10米,后高8.5米,前宽18米,后宽14.5米,进深12 米,服务于大型交响乐团和各类室内乐演出。
New Tsinghua Xuetang is equipped with American Wenger acoustic shell, a closed acoustic area of 210 square
meters. The top is electric hanged, while the rear and side panels are made of movable units, front height 10
meters, back height 8.5 meters, back width 14.5 meters and 12 meters depth. It is used for large symphony
orchestras and all kinds of chamber music performances.
五. 音控室 / Sound Control Room
主调音台 / Main Audio Control Board:Avid venue D-Show 美国(配备 96 路物理输入、24 路物理输出)
主扩声音箱 / Main Speaker:L-Acoustics ARCS 法国 L-Acoustics SB28 法国
L-Acoustics 8XTi 法国 L-Acoustics 12XTi 法国
返送音箱 / Monitor:L-Acoustics 115XT HiQ 法国 L-Acoustics 12XTi 法国
话筒 / Microphone:beyerdynamic TG-X 动圈话筒 德国
beyerdynamic SHM803AS 鹅颈话筒 德国
beyerdynamic MC 930 电容话筒 德国
beyerdynamic TS 900M 无线话筒 德国
SCHOEPS 电容话筒 德国
六. 灯控室 / Lighting Control Room
灯光系统 / Lighting System:ETC 网路 +DMX
舞台内灯具 / Lighting Facilities:1800W 追光灯 2 台
1200W 电脑灯 48 台
750W 成像灯 110 台
备用电源 / Back-up Power:380V 400A 电箱 2 个
380V 160A 电箱 4 个
调光台 / Lighting Control Board: 2000W 聚光灯 120 台
ETC ION 3072/1024
3KW 调光硅路:576 路
5KW 直通硅路:192 路
1000WPAR 灯 100 台
1250W 天排灯 12 台
1250W 地排灯 12 台
七. VIP 化妆间 / VIP Dressing Room
后台区域共设 VIP 化妆间 3 个,配有YAMAHA立式钢琴、化妆台、舞监电视、真皮沙发以及独立卫生间。集体化妆间 6 个,配有舞监电视、洗手池,可容纳160人同时化妆。抢妆台5个,走廊设有开水间及饮水机4台。
There are 3 VIP Dressing Rooms in the backstage area, with a YAMAHA vertical piano in each room.
There are also make-up tables, stage monitor TVs, leather sofas and individual restrooms.There are 6
group dressing rooms, each with stage monitor TVs and sinks. Six group dressing rooms can
accommodate up to 160 people doing make-up at the same time.There are 5 quick make-up tables,
4 water fountains in the lobby.
八. 舞蹈排练厅 / Dance Rehearsal Hall
舞蹈排练厅位于新清华学堂 4 层,面积约 300 平方米,配有三角钢琴、更衣室、淋浴间以及专业的灯光和音响设备。
Dance Rehearsal Hall is located on the 4th floor of New Tsinghua Xuetang, with an area of about
300 square meters. It is equipped with a grand piano, dressing rooms, shower rooms and professional
lighting and sound facilities.
九. 贵宾厅 / VIP Hall 贵宾会议室 / VIP Conference Room
贵宾接待室配有布艺沙发、红木茶几 16 套,消毒柜、衣架及独立卫生间,可用于接待 20 人以内的嘉宾;贵宾会议室内设电脑会议屏、鹅颈麦克、升降投影机及幕布等,可容纳 40 人的小型会议使用。
VIP Reception Room is equipped with 16 sets of fabric sofa, hangers and individual washrooms.It can
accommodate up to 20 guests; VIP Conference Room is equipped with computer conference screens, goose
neck microphones, a lifting projector and screen, etc. It can be used for small meetings within 40 people.
十. 票厅 / Box Office
票厅设有演出预告 LED 屏和海报灯箱,演出、电影、团体 3 个购票窗口,可满足校内师生及校外观众分流购票。每日售票时间为早 9:00- 晚 7:00(周二不售票)。订票电话:010-62781984 场租电话:010-62788104 62782334
The Box Office is equipped with LED screen for performance notices, and light boxes for posters.Opening hours:
9:00am to 19:00pm (closed on Tuesday).Booking Hotline: 010-62781984 Venue Rental: 010-62788104 / 62782334
十一. 宣传媒介 / Promotion Channels
New Tsinghua Xuetang has its own official website, posters exhibition frames, and light boxes to publicize
performance information. There are additional online “we media” to send information to individual followers.
十二. 停车场 / Parking Lots
停车场分为 A 区(普通观众区)、B 区(VIP 区)共有 100 个车位,凭有效证件泊车。
Divided into Area A (general parking) and Area B (VIP parking), there are 100 parking lots in total.
Parking needs valid certifications.
十三. 消防安全监控中心 / Fire Safety Monitoring Center
监控中心配有 24 小时全彩监控系统,智能灭火系统和超大功率排烟系统,可为演出场馆提供安全保障服务。
With 24-hour full color monitoring system, intelligent fire-extinguishing system and ultra-large power smoke
evacuation system, the Fire Safety Monitoring Center can provide security service for the performance venues.
十四. 通风制冷设备 / Ventilation Cooling Equipment
通风制冷设备配有两台制冷机、10 个空调机组,可为演出场馆提供舒适的观演环境。
There are two refrigerators and 10 air-conditioning units, which can provide a comfortable viewing
environment to the audiences.